Rent a car cluj, Inchirieri auto cluj, Masini de inchiriat cluj, Rent a car mures, Inchirieri auto mures

Rent a car cluj, Inchirieri auto cluj, Masini de inchiriat cluj, Rent a car mures, Inchirieri auto mures

Rent A Car Cluj Aeroport
Un lucru important, masinile inchiriate de la Discount Rent acar au preturi pentru toate buzunarele, avand posibilitatea de a alege dintr-o gama variate de masini compacte, intermediare, autoturisme luxoase , jeepuri si suv-uri.Firma noastra de inchirieri auto are sediul in Suceava si ofera spre inchiriere autoturisme cu sau fara sofer, cetatenilor romani si straini care doresc sa calatoreasca in siguranta. Masinile inchiriate prin noi va satisfac toate necesitatile si gusturile fie ca este vorba despre intalniri de afaceri, concedii in familie sau scurte plimbari,

Discount Rent acar face eforturi sustinute si continue pentru a oferi clientilor preturi atractive si un nivel ridicat al seviciilor de inchirieri auto. Stim cat de importante sunt preturile in selectarea unei oferte, dar va atragem atentia ca rent a car nu inseamna doar inchirierea unei masini si atat. La inchirierea unui autoturism pe o perioada mai lunga de timp preturile din oferta sunt negociabile. Cu cat perioada de inchiriere este mai lunga, cu atat tarifele de inchiriere sunt mai mici. Pentru contracte de inchirieri auto pe o perioada de timp mai mare de 1 luna, va oferim servicii si preturi speciale prin oferta Inchirieri pe Termen Lung.

Inchirieri Masini Mures :Firma noastra ofera servicii de cea mai buna calitate oferind inchirieri masini noi si dotate la cel mai inalt standard. Va oferim pachetul complet de servicii de rent a car:
- La solicitarea dvs. putem sa va oferim autoturism cu sofer vorbitor de limba engleza. La un pret convenabil de 15 Euro/zi. In acest caz garantia pentru masina inchiriata nu mai este valabila.
- La solicitarea dvs puteti sa benefciati de scaun pentru copil si lanturi de masina pentru anotimpul rece pentru 1E/zi pt fiecare.
- Pentru rent a car 1-4 zile, limita km de parcurs este de 200 Km/zi iar pentru km parcursi in plus se percepe o taxa de 0.2 Euro/km.
- In raport cu cererea si oferta de rent a car, societatea noastra isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica tariful. Contractele deja incheiate sunt exceptate.
- Oferim clientilor fideli reduceri de 5% fata de tariful afisat pe site.
- Avem ca program de lucru de la ora 8:00--20:00 pe timp de vara si de la ora 9:00--19:00 pe timp de iarna.

Rent A Car Cluj Aeroport
Cei ce se indreapta spre Timisoara s-ar putea sa vrea sa ne ia in considerare serviciile noastre de inchirieri masini Timisoara pe durata sederii in oras, deoarece beneficiile asociate vor fi mult mai mari decat costul. Considerand faptul ca Timisoara este unul dintre orasele cele mai mari ale tarii, si ca urmare si unul dintre cele mai importante, Aeroportul Timisoara vede foarte mult trafic atat intern cat si extern; noi stim acest lucru si serviciile noastre de rent a car Timisoara pot fi accesibile de la aeroport, adica noi va putem aduce masina dorita de dumneavoastra la aeroport la ce ora doriti, pentru a va simplifica viata post aterizare.

Discount Rent acar ofera servicii prompte de inchiriere autoturisme la cele mai mici preturi in Suceava si in principalele orase si aeroporturi din Romania. Compania noastra pune la dispozitia clientilor sai o gama larga de masini de inchiriat in conditii optime de siguranta si confort ; avem ca obiectiv multumirea deplina a clientilor nostri si satisfactia lucrului bine facut. La noi gasiti promptitudine si seriozitate maxima la preturi modeste accesibile oricui ; servicii de calitate de inchirieri masini cu livrari si in afara programului ( extra-hours ) , nocturne si in weekend , transferuri de la aeroport ( eventual cu sofer ) , livrari / preluari in localitate , asistenta rutiera non-stop, autoturism la schimb ( in caz de avarii/accident ), echipamente optionale ( scaun copil, sistem navigatie GPS, lanturi de zapada, lada frigorifica).

Inchirieri Masini Cluj : Acesta ar fi de fapt unul dintre avantajele alegerii optiunii de inchiriat o masina in general, faptul ca nu va veti expune masina personala la uzura si posibile accidente ce pot surveni pe durata calatoriei dumneavoastra. Poate ca acest lucru nu este atat de important daca sunteti la o distanta mica de destinatie, dar daca zburati din Cluj Napoca spre Iasi, cand aterizati acolo veti simti nevoia unei masini, si veti putea apela la serviciile noastre de rent a car aeroport. Flota noastra de masini contine o gama foarte variata de autovehicule, de la mici la mari, de la masini pe benzina la unele pe motorina, toate masinile din flota noastra sunt menite sa satisfaca nevoile si preferintele unui numar cat mai mare de potentiali clienti. Oferim si o serie de extra optiuni ce pot fi instalate in masinile inchiriate de catre clientii nostri, la cerere.

Inchirieri Masini Cluj Echipa noastra, cu o bogata experienta in domeniul rent a car si inchirierilor auto, este foarte dedicata clientilor, sfatuindu-va in privinta autoturismului care se potriveste cu stilul si nevoile dvs. Intrand de putin timp pe piata rent a car din Romania ne propunem sa ne diferentiem de celalte firme de inchirieri masini prin calitatea serviciilor, profesionalism si, nu in ultimul rand, cele mai bune preturi.

Rent A Car Targu Mures Aeroport Cei ce se indreapta spre Timisoara s-ar putea sa vrea sa ne ia in considerare serviciile noastre de inchirieri masini Timisoara pe durata sederii in oras, deoarece beneficiile asociate vor fi mult mai mari decat costul. Considerand faptul ca Timisoara este unul dintre orasele cele mai mari ale tarii, si ca urmare si unul dintre cele mai importante, Aeroportul Timisoara vede foarte mult trafic atat intern cat si extern; noi stim acest lucru si serviciile noastre de rent a car Timisoara pot fi accesibile de la aeroport, adica noi va putem aduce masina dorita de dumneavoastra la aeroport la ce ora doriti, pentru a va simplifica viata post aterizare.

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Inchirieri Masini Cluj Rent A Car Cluj Aeroport Rent A Car Cluj Aeroport
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My Blog

By John Miller 20 Aug, 2015
I have finally decided to take the plunge and add a blog to my site. I always wanted an easy way to share information with visitors and I’m super excited to start this journey. Keep coming back to my site and check for updates right here on the blog.
By John Miller 20 Aug, 2015
Anyone can make one:
For better or worse, anyone can write a blog post about anything they want. Everyone has a voice and the best voices will rise to the top.

The writer can show their personality:
In blog posts, the writer has more leeway to add in their voice and personality than other types of writing.

Blogs are a great form of mass communication:
You can help people, learn new things, entertain your audience—the possibilities are endless and amazing. Blogging opens up all of these to a very wide audience.

You can make money:

Get the right blog going and you can make a lot of money through advertising and sponsored posts.

It allows people to craft better thoughts:
Instead of reading haphazard, uneducated Facebook statuses, it’s much better to see people’s thought process in a well-written blog post.

You can establish a community:
Blogging allows you to connect with other individuals who share the same interests. Sharing ideas and opinions within your community helps establish yourself as a thought leader.

Good for SEO:
Keeping content on your site fresh and relevant, you can use your blog to boost the search engine ranking (SEO) of your site and your business.

It brings people back to your site:

If your blog is strong enough and updated regularly, people will come back looking for more and bring traffic back to your site as well.

It’s free:
It costs you a grand total of zero dollars to post to the blog, so if you have something to say, there’s nothing to stop you.

You can establish yourself as a thought leader:

A blog is a great place for your original thoughts, and it can be a wonderful way to show off your individuality. If people like your ideas, you can become a thought leader in your industry!

What else do you love about blogs? Let me know!

ReCent Posts

By John Miller 20 Aug, 2015
I have finally decided to take the plunge and add a blog to my site. I always wanted an easy way to share information with visitors and I’m super excited to start this journey. Keep coming back to my site and check for updates right here on the blog.
By John Miller 20 Aug, 2015
Anyone can make one:
For better or worse, anyone can write a blog post about anything they want. Everyone has a voice and the best voices will rise to the top.

The writer can show their personality:
In blog posts, the writer has more leeway to add in their voice and personality than other types of writing.

Blogs are a great form of mass communication:
You can help people, learn new things, entertain your audience—the possibilities are endless and amazing. Blogging opens up all of these to a very wide audience.

You can make money:

Get the right blog going and you can make a lot of money through advertising and sponsored posts.

It allows people to craft better thoughts:
Instead of reading haphazard, uneducated Facebook statuses, it’s much better to see people’s thought process in a well-written blog post.

You can establish a community:
Blogging allows you to connect with other individuals who share the same interests. Sharing ideas and opinions within your community helps establish yourself as a thought leader.

Good for SEO:
Keeping content on your site fresh and relevant, you can use your blog to boost the search engine ranking (SEO) of your site and your business.

It brings people back to your site:

If your blog is strong enough and updated regularly, people will come back looking for more and bring traffic back to your site as well.

It’s free:
It costs you a grand total of zero dollars to post to the blog, so if you have something to say, there’s nothing to stop you.

You can establish yourself as a thought leader:

A blog is a great place for your original thoughts, and it can be a wonderful way to show off your individuality. If people like your ideas, you can become a thought leader in your industry!

What else do you love about blogs? Let me know!
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